How Not To Worry

HOW NOT TO WORRY 1 DVD. Thousands of clinical tests have definitively shown that the pressures of life, if not coped with adequately, will inevitably be deleterious to one’s physical or mental health in a wide variety of symptoms. More and more we find the medical profession exploring forms of spiritual exercise as antidotes to the poisonous effects of stress and its mental counterpart–worry. Some of these “spiritual” approaches may themselves be dangerous, especially when they are derived from New Age tenets. But other spiritual approaches are not only safe but truly therapeutic, such as any prayer that is not merely an abstract “uplifting” of the mind to some “Force,” or “Energy,” but authentic prayer directed to a personal loving God who is loved and trusted in total abandonment. No religious movement or organization offers these ideal conditions better than Christianity. This is especially true when the Christian prayer is not limited to a mere petition for help, but is primarily a simple contemplative act of quiet worship, adoration, gratitude and a trusting reliance on God an non-threatening, and merciful, supportive, compassionate, healing and loving. There is no better exercise to counteract stress than learning to “relax in God’s arms” like a baby. It is enjoying a prolonged “divine hug.” It is the most therapeutic means of stress-reduction and the most grace-laden as well. This teaching will show you how to deal effectively with worry–using the best means possible–God’s plan.

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