The Other Side of the Stone (1 CD)

THE OTHER SIDE OF THE STONE. On the most momentous day in human history, a small group of fragile, frightened women watched an angel of the Almighty God move the enormous stone from the entrance of the tomb, as the tortured God-man blazed forth in the splendiferous grandeur of his restored life (Matt. 23:2-4). The women’s love-charged faith blazed on one side of the stone; from the other side of the stone blazed the Lord’s love-charged power. The scene epitomizes God’s great resurrectional plan for our life: whenever our faith is inflamed with love (see Gal.5:6), Jesus’ divine power is released to push aside every stone of hardship, adversity, pain, failure, anguish, disappointment, etc. The morbid aspects of human existence reek more of the stench of death than the vibrant uplifting life of grace. His live-giving supportive and healing grace is Jesus’ Easter gift, to be enjoyed through every season of our lives. This meditative talk will awaken a new level of faith in your soul, and release a new level of God’s healing, restorative power in your life.

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