A Walk With the Lord (4 CDs)

A WALK WITH THE LORD – 4 Disc CD Album. The practice of “walking in the presence of God”–a biblical phrase of deep significance–is simply a quiet way of facing life step-by-step, while experiencing a deep, personal and intimate relationship with the Lord in a quiet, peaceful companionship, which doesn’t necessarily require recited prayers. As Paul affirms in 1 Cor. 2:14, worldly people do not understand this anxiety-free, spiritually-enriching state of vibrant love. To go through life while poignantly aware of God’s presence is to be “in the world but not of the world,” a paradox referred to by Jesus in John 17:14. Those who prayerfully “walk in the presence of God” soon develop the singular desire for God above all earthly wants, needs, desires, and expectations; and they lose the need for the approval or praise from others. Temporal things of the world no longer occupy the forefront of their interest, but are regarded as meaningful only in the context of God’s designs “for it is in him that we live and move and have our very being” (Acts 17:24). All of life’s eventualities–even tragedies–are seen as the unfolding of his will in his time and in his way for our ultimate welfare. Even the acquaintances of such souls can recognize in them a deeper refinement in their attitude and behavior. For most persons willing to follow only a few simple scriptural norms, this radical change can occur within six months to a year, according to St.Theresa of Avila. In these four one-hour talks, Fr. Hampsch spotlights biblical road signs on the path of holiness–a path traversed by those who “humbly walk with the Lord” (Micah 6:8).

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