Rainbows in Your Teardrops (1 CD)

RAINBOWS IN YOUR TEARDROPS. There’s only one place where people are problem-free. It’s called a cemetery. Paul says that we’re all ‘destined’ for hardships (1 Thess.3:3); with Barnabas he proclaimed the inevitable fact of life: ‘We must go through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God’ (Acts 14:22). Only by a consistent Christ-focused faith can we sustain life’s sufferings with a holy equanimity. But this faith, as it affects our response to problems, admits of variations. It is in the context of adversity or pain that our faith can best be ‘put to the test’ (see 2 Cor. 13:5 and James 1:2). To calibrate your ‘faith score,’ this talk presents six levels of faith in suffering (more deeply expounded in Fr. Hampsch’s book, The Art of Loving God). The upper levels of faith in this schema entail, paradoxically, various degrees of joy in suffering–which culminate in the Holy Spirit’s gift of wisdom (James 1:5). Thus perspectivized by a ‘God’s-eye-view,’ your mishaps, misfortunes and misery will never again appear the same.

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