Don’t Pray For Rain With a Closed Umbrella (1 CD)

DON’T PRAY FOR RAIN WITH A CLOSED UMBRELLA The world’s most common failure is ‘failure’ in prayer–failure to obtain what we ask for in the prayer of petition. Such a statement is the expression of common disappointment with biblical phrases like, ‘all that you ask for in prayer,’ ‘Whatever you ask for,’ and ‘nothing will be impossible.’ Discouraging failure rate in prayer naturally elicits the follow-up question: WHY? The ‘closed umbrella’ in the pray-for-rain metaphor is not only the absence of truly expectant faith behind our prayer (a faith which itself should be asked for); it also reflects a subtle lack of humility in our stance before God, and a paradoxical lack of ‘prayerfulness’ in our prayer. This talk addresses the prevention and cure of these pervasive forms of ‘heart failure’ in prayers that are less than ‘heartfelt.’

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