Living the Beatitudes (8 CDs)

LIVING THE BEATITUDES – 8 Disc Album. Each tessera of a mosaic when viewed up close with a magnifying glass is not very appealing esthetically. But when viewed as an overall picture, the beauty of a masterpiece mosaic can be overwhelming. That part of Jesus’ sermon on the mount that has traditionally been called the Eight Beatitudes is a mosaic masterpiece that must be viewed as few people ever view it–as God’s overall design for a happy life, and more significantly, a happy afterlife. If you look at these pronouncements out of their intended perspective, happiness will seem, ironically, more like unhappiness: “Happy are the…poor in spirit, the mourners, the turn-the-cheek meek, the crusading justice-seekers, the heart-torn merciful, the tempted pure of heart, the buffeted peacemaker and even the persecuted.” That sounds almost morbid–as if happiness is to be found only in heroism and hardship. This series of talks will really surprise you if your view is that myopic. It will open to you a vista of the beatitudes as “holy attitudes” that provide a magnificent travelogue and intriguing road map for your exciting journey to the end-point of those directives–the Kingdom of Heaven itself! You will not just marvel at these awe-inspiring beatitudes, but you will find yourself living them!

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